Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Think I'm Related To...

I think that i am related to the goddess Artemis.She was very caring (like me),but at the same time could kill anyone with the single strike of an arrow.Born first before her brother Apollo,she helped her mom,Leto, deliver him.She was also the daughter of Zeus.Niobe, queen of Thebe, once bragged about how she was better than Leto (Artemis' mom) because she had more children than just 2.When that happened,Apollo and Artemis reported that to her mom,and they killed all of her children with her arrows.Niobe continued to weep,even though she was turned to stone.When Apollo noticed that Artemis was spending a long time hunting with Orion,a giant,he decided to get rid of him.Apollo challenged Artemis to prove how good she was at archery.They went out to sea,and Artemis hit the target perfectly.It turns out,the target was really Orion's head.She was the goddess of forests and hills, child birth,the hunt, and often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows.The things that meant the most to her were family and she adored the deer and cypress.

But then again,I may be related to Athena,the daughter of Zeus and Metis.She was the goddess of wisdom, war, strategy, industry, justice and skill..She was very powerful and athletic,like me.She stood for what she believed in,and wasn't afraid to get off her feet and fight for what is right.She was first in the form of a bird.Her symbol is an owl,since it is very wise.She was regarded as the goddess of wisdom.

But enough about the girls.I also think that I could be related to Hermes,Messenger of the gods, god of commerce, thieves, travelers,sports, and border crossings.He lit the path for people as a messenger,and led them in the right direction,and most known as the herald,or messenger for the gods.Hermes is usually depicted with a broad-brimmed hat or a winged cap, winged sandals and the heralds staff.Other symbols of Hermes are the cock, tortoise and purse or pouch.He was caring as well as an intelegent person,and as a herald accomplished many tasks guiding gods and taking orders.

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